lunes, 17 de marzo de 2008

How to use Marge(Java Bluetooth Framework) in Netbeans 6 IDE

Marge is a framework created by Bruno Ghisi and Lucas Torri under the LGPL license.

See also:
Marge Home
NetBeans 6.0 CLDC/MIDP Development Quick Start Guide

Downloading Marge
Creating a new project
Including Marge Jar

    What you need?
  • Java Development Kit (

  • NetBeans 6 IDE with Mobility plugins (
    *Choose the full version to ensure that nothing is missing

  • Marge Framework (

Downloading Marge

Download the marge v 0.4.0 or higher:

Creating a new project

*Open NetBeans IDE, create a new project then select File->New Project... and select category "Mobility" and MIDP Application. Click Next.

*Set your project name and location for example,
Name: Marge-Test
Location: /home/$YOUR_USER/NetBeansProjects

*Select the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.52 for CLDC as the Emulator Platform and use the remaining defaults. Click Next.

*Expand "Configuration templates provided by installed CLDC platforms" and "Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.52 for CLDC" folders. Check at least one of the configurations. The IDE automatically creates a new project configuration for each template listed. Feel free to check all avail configurations.

*Click Finish. The IDE creates the project folder. You can see your MIDlet in the Visual Mobile Designer.

Including Marge Jar

*Once the project is created we need to put Marge as project Library. Right click in the project's name (in our case, Marge-Test) and select Properties. Select Libraries and Resources under Build node on the left panel. Click in Add Jar/Zip, select Marge jar and click Ok.

If everything went correct, you will be able to see Marge package being displayed in the project structure and you are ready to use!


4 comentarios:

  1. valeu por tudo isso pelo Marge, pelos tutoriais, mas vamos para com isso de usar a língua inglesa como padrão, vcs são brasileiros, eu tambem, temos nossa cultura, costumes, e também nosso IDIOMA, quem não entender que traduza igual a gente já está acostumado a fazer.
    Isso é falta de patriotismo, e não tem nada a ver com querer se globalizar, temos que desenvolver novas tecnologias para nós usarmos ela primeiramente, e não deixar na mão dos gringos.
    Essa é minha opinião!

  2. Es:
    Marcelo, este tutorial lo escribió un Panameño.

    Tuve que usar un traductor para tratar de entender lo que escribiste.

    Hubiera preferido escribir en español, pero usé un más internacionalmente reconocido lenguaje.

    Mira el enlace siguiente:

    Marcelo, this tutorial was written by a Panamanian.
    I had to use a translator to try to understand what you wrote.

    I would have preferred to write in Spanish, but use a more internationally recognized language.

    Look at the following link:


Deja tu comentario :D